
Cheap Local Culinary Places in Kuta Bali

Tattoo Studio Bali
Ink Satire

Kuta tourism area is very famous and becomes the main destination for tourists during their vacation to Bali. You will easily find hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and other tourist facilities in Kuta Bali. If during your vacation to Bali you choose to stay at one of the hotels in Kuta, then aside from looking for hotels, you also need to know information about places to eat in Kuta Bali. Therefore, on this page you will get information about some cheap local culinary places around Kuta.

However, if you like to eat in luxurious restaurants with air conditioning, want to get the best service, with five-star furniture, then you can skip this guide page of cheap places to eat in Kuta.

If you like places that serve local food, cheap prices, limited by vacation costs and don’t really care about the quality of the place to eat, then please continue reading this page! In this page you will find information on cheap local culinary places around Kuta Bali that serve Indonesian cuisine.

warung wardani cheap nasi campur
Credit: wisata.app

Here are some of the popular cheap local culinary places in Kuta:

1. Warung Nikmat Kuta Bali
As the name implies, Warung Nikmat, the taste of the food in this place is also very delicious. Just like at Gang Ronta’s Indonesian stall, there are two ways to order food at Warung Nikmat Kuta. The first way is to order from the set menu and the second way is to choose the food you like from the food counter. If you choose food from the counter then the price of the food also varies.

2. Warung Wardani Tuban Kuta
Although there are many places to eat that serve Balinese specialties in the Kuta area, the taste of the cuisine at Warung Wardani will not disappoint you because it is so delicious. There are two Warung Wardani on the island of Bali, one in Denpasar and the other in the Tuban area of Kuta, adjacent to Ngurah Rai airport. The main menu at Wardani is Balinese mixed rice, and you won’t find any other food menu. The price per serving at warung Wardani is more expensive and above average. However, if you already know the taste of mixed rice dishes at Warung Wardani, then you will not mind paying more for food in this place because it is worth it.

3. Warung Murah Double Six
If you are looking for a food stall around Kuta Bali, serving buffet stalls with a menu of Indonesian dishes that are quite cheap, then Warung Murah Double Six is perfect for you to visit. Warung Murah, as the name suggests, serves several food menus at an average price of Rp 20,000/portion. If you order a portion of Ayam Betutu, some vegetables, with an additional egg and one botor of mineral water, the estimated price is around Rp 40,000. There are also many choices of rice such as white rice, yellow rice and brown rice. There are also many choices of vegetables and chili sauce. In addition, you are free to choose the side dish you like, as long as there is only one type of side dish in one portion.

kuta local cheap culinary
Credit: fispol.com

4. Gourmet Sate House
Most Indonesians love satay. If you love satay too, then on your vacation to Kuta Bali, visit the Gourmet Sate House. This small restuarant specializes in serving satay dishes, and for now there are about 12 different types of satay dishes. So when you visit Gourmet Sate House, you’re sure to find your favorite satay menu. There are even lamb satay and rabbit satay. To maintain the aroma and taste of satay, Gourmet Sate House uses charcoal grilling. Aside from satay dishes, Gourmet Sate House also serves other Indonesian cuisine and more grilled menus.

5. Warung Indonesia Gang Ronta Kuta
Finding a place to eat that serves cheap food in Kuta Bali is not difficult. One of the food stalls in Kuta Bali serving a menu of dishes for the Indonesian tongue at low prices is Warung Indonesia in Gang Ronta Kuta. There are two options for ordering food at Warung Indonesia Gang Ronta, you can order from the food menu or choose side dishes and vegetables, according to your preferences. For food from the menu available: Special Fried Rice, Seafood Fried Noodle and Special Kare Rice. If you want to get a cheaper price, choose the food menu from the food counter. For food prices, if you choose directly from the food counter, the price depends on the menu option you choose.


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