Getting a tattoo involves thousands of needles repeatedly penetrating the skin, going into the outermost layer of your skin with fine needles coated with color. While there is no corresponding pain level for everyone, it will hurt.
According to surveys, areas with the most fat, least number of nerve endings and thickest skin are the less painful tattoo spots. On the other hand, the areas with the least fat and the most nerves are the most painful to get a tattoo.
1. Head
According to tattoo experts, the head or the area on the skull is one of the most sensitive places to have a tattoo. In general, having a tattoo on the head might cause a burning and pricking feeling. Individual experiences may vary, so considering your acceptable pain threshold is necessary before tattooing the head.
2. Ribs and Chest
Tattoos on the ribcage and chest always look good, and are usually quite large. However, these can cause quite a bit of pain. The ribcage is considered one of the most painful areas to get a tattoo because the skin is thin and directly over the bone. The skin around your ribs is fragile, with less fat compared to most other regions of the body. Also, your chest and ribs move when you breathe, making tattoos here much more uncomfortable.
3. Stomach
Next most painful spots to get a tattoo is the stomach. The pain from a tattoo on the abdomen can vary from mild to harsh. The abdomen can be a painful location to get tattooed because the abdominal skin is very elastic and stretches easily. However, everyone has a unique physical shape. People who weigh more tend to have looser skin on their stomach than those who weigh less. A person with tighter skin on their stomach is more likely to feel discomfort during the tattooing process.
4. Nipples and Breasts
Getting a tattoo on the breast can be quite painful. Since the nipples and breasts are vulnerable areas with many nerve endings, a tattoo can cause significant pain. In general, the nipples and breasts are one of the most sensitive areas of the body; having a tattoo there will definitely hurt.
5. Groins and Genital Area
Another most painful spots to get a tattoo is on the genital area. The groin area has many nerve endings and lymph nodes under the skin, making it a sensitive place to get tattooed. Although the groin area above the intimate region seems to be a more fleshy part of the body compared to other locations, it is no less painful to tattoo as the nerve endings that collect from the genital area spread throughout the groin area.
6. Face and Ear
Many nerve endings are located on the face and ears and can be stimulated during tattooing which can cause significant discomfort. Also, there is not much fat on the face, cheeks or ears. Therefore, there is no adequate cushioning for the tattoo needle here. As a result, the face, ear and nearby locations are considered as scary places for tattoos.
7. Neck and Spine
Since the neck and spine are very sensitive areas, tattoos on the neck and spine are most painful. Tattoos on the neck are unpleasant because the movement of the tattoo needle can stimulate the large nerves at the back and sides of the neck. Also, the cervical nerves are in the neck, and you may feel discomfort that spreads to your back. Also, many nerves run down your spine and the bones are quite close to the skin.
8. Hand, Finger, Foot and Toe
Tattoos are usually placed on the tips and centers of the hands, feet, and fingers, and toes. However, these are painful areas. As mentioned earlier, many nerve endings in your hands and feet will be compromised, resulting in painful spasms. Getting tattooed on your fingers and toes can be especially painful. The skin here is relatively thin, and it harbors various nerve endings that can cause discomfort when the needle pierces.
9. Lips
Last most painful spots to get a tattoo is on the lips. Lip tattoos are one of the most painful locations to get a tattoo. Since the lip surface is relatively thin and flexible, with many nerve endings, the pain of getting tattooed here is likely to be very intense. Also, you will most likely experience more bleeding than with other tattoos. Most people have described the sensation as stabbing, while others have described it as “skin tearing.”