
Tattoo Aftercare During The First 30 Days

Tattoo Studio Bali
Ink Satire
Tattoo Aftercare During The First 30 Days

Tattoo aftercare during the first 30 days after the tattoo is applied is very important to ensure good healing and minimise the risk of infection or other complications. How quickly you heal depends on the size of your tattoo and how intricate it is. Larger tattoos will remain red and swollen for longer as they cause more trauma to your skin.

day one tattoo healing process
Credit: self.com

Here is a guide to tattoo aftercare during the first 30 days

Leave the Protective Wrap on: Once the tattoo is done, it will be wrapped with a sterile bandage. Usually, you should keep this bandage on for a few hours to all night, according to your tattoo artist’s instructions.

First Days (1-3)

Hand Wash: Before touching the tattoo, make sure your hands are clean by washing them with mild soap and warm water.

Clean the Tattoo: Gently clean the tattoo with cold water and mild soap. Do not use a sponge or washcloth, just use your hands. Rinse thoroughly, then gently pat the tattoo with a clean towel.

Apply Antibiotic Ointment: Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment recommended by the professional tattoo artist or doctor. This helps prevent infection and retain moisture.

Avoid Too Much Water: Avoid immersing the tattoo in water (for example, swimming in a pool or bathtub) for the first few weeks. Take a quick shower with hands only to clean the rest of the body.

First Week (4-7)

Do Not Exfoliate the Skin: The skin around the tattoo may begin to peel. Do not scratch or pick at the peeling skin. This is a normal healing process and may continue for a few weeks.

Avoid Direct Sunlight: Avoid direct sun exposure to the tattoo for the first few weeks. If you need to be in the sun, wear protective clothing or use sunscreen with a high SPF.

Do Not Break Up Mucus or Crustations: The tattoo may form slime or crustations. Let them fall off on their own. Do not try to break them, as this may damage the healing tattoo.

Second and Third Week (8-21)

Continue to Use Antibiotic Ointment: Continue using the antibiotic ointment according to the instructions. This helps prevent infection and relieve irritation.

Avoid Water Immersion: Still avoid immersion in water, including swimming pools, jacuzzis, or the sea.

Don’t Wear Tight Clothing: Avoid wearing tight clothing that could rub or irritate the tattoo during the healing process.

Last Days (22-30)

Keep an Eye on Progress: Keep a close eye on your tattoo over the next few weeks. This is the time when the tattoo will start to look better and the healing process is getting completed.

Consider Moisturisers: If the tattoo looks dry, you can use a mild moisturiser that does not contain fragrances or harmful ingredients.

Minimise Sun Exposure: Although the tattoo may already look healed, still avoid direct sun exposure to the tattoo and use sunscreen if necessary.

For the first 30 days, watch your tattoo closely, adhere to your tattoo artist’s instructions, and consider consulting a doctor if you experience any signs of infection or other complications. Tattoos require good tattoo aftercare during the healing phase to ensure optimal results.

long term tattoo aftercare tips
Credit: pinkvilla.com

Tips for long-term tattoo care

Once your tattoo is healed, you will switch to maintenance mode. While you don’t have to worry about infections after the first 3-4 months, there are a few things you can do to prevent ink deterioration.

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to support your overall health and improve skin elasticity.
  • Prevent sun damage. Wear sun-protective clothing and apply sunscreen to keep your ink bright.
  • Avoid rapid weight gain or loss. Rapid fluctuations in size can stretch or damage tattoos.

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