
Tips to Practice Tattoo Shading Technique

Tattoo Studio Bali
Ink Satire
Tips to Practice Tattoo Shading Technique

If you already know about tattoo shading techniques, what is the right way to practice them? To master this technique, you generally just need experience, by practicing over and over again.

But the thing that makes it difficult is that you can’t just start practicing on people because tattoos are permanent. The good news is that there are certain ways that you can practice to develop your tattoo shading skills.

tattoo shading techniques help you create different effects
Credit: ink-match.com

Here are some examples of how you should practice tattoo shading before moving on to the real thing


A common thing that most tattoo artists have mastered is drawing. Drawing with pencils and pens is a great way to develop art skills.

Basically, drawing is very similar to tattooing. While it’s not exactly the same as tattooing real skin, it will help you understand the aspects of shading.

Try using this technique with a pen or pencil instead of a needle. This will give you an idea of how the shading technique feels and how you should control the needle.

It’s also a great way to understand the art of shading itself. As a tattoo artist, you will be drawing designs with a needle on people’s skin. Therefore, practice drawing objects that can be shaded so as to make the drawing more lifelike.



Another thing you can try doing is painting. Painting is obviously very different from tattoos, but it is still an art skill.

You can look at paint as something similar to the ink used for tattoos. Try using these techniques to see how well you can control the paint to create the perfect shading.

Like drawing, this will give you a physical example of how you should control the needle. You can also learn some basic shading techniques that make paintings look good.


Tattooing Pig Skin

While paintings and drawings can help you to learn shading techniques, they are still very different from the actual tattooing process.

Once your skills get better, you will want to start doing real tattoos. One way to practice real tattooing is to tattoo something similar to human skin.

There are a variety of materials that can be used for tattooing. One option that is quite affordable and convenient is pigskin. Pig skin is surprisingly similar to human skin and the way it reacts to ink. You should invest in high-quality tattoo equipment so that you can practice on pigskin.

This will be the most effective way to understand how shading on a tattoo works. While it won’t be exactly the same as an actual tattoo, you will at least get to experience the sensation of tattooing on the skin.

drawing help you the aspects of shading
Credit: daisie.com


If you want to become a tattoo artist, there are some techniques you need to learn. One of these techniques is tattoo shading, a very important tattooing skill. There are different tattoo shading techniques that help you create different effects.

Planning to have tattoos with shading effect? Visit Ink Satire Tattoo Studio Bali to get your remarkable tattoos carried out by our talented and professional Indonesian Tattoo Artists.

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